Website Sponsors

Bexley Women's Club

Thank you for your support!

Bexley Women's Club would like to thank our website sponsors and those that support the Bexley Women's Club and it's Mission of Community, Scholarship, and Social Service.

Bexley Women's Club

Frequently Asked Questions

How can local businesses support Bexley Women's Club?

In addition to being a sponsor for the Bexley Women's Club House & Garden Tour event every year in June, local businesses can sponsor Bexley Women's Club’s new website year-around by becoming a featured website sponsor.

What is the benefit of becoming a Website Sponsor?

The Website Sponsors are local businesses that support Bexley Women's Club’s mission, and with the donation, they have the opportunity to place their logos and a statement on our website for one year. Sponsor names/logos/statements will be promoted as "the Sponsor of the Month” during the designated month at the Bexley Women's Club’s Monthly Meeting, as well as on the monthly newsletter and Facebook page shared with our members. Sponsor of the Month is also featured on the Homepage of the website during the designated month.

What is the process to become a Website Sponsor? Who is the contact person?

Please contact the Bexley Women's Club President ( and request an application form. Website space is limited to 12 sponsors a year, one for each month. The designated month to be featured will be first-come, first-serve, and will simply be the next available month unless a specific desired month is mentioned. We will do our best to accommodate!